Contact Widows Rings


Welcome to Widows Rings. 

If you found your way here, I hope you find something to comfort your soul. 
If you need to ask a question or leave a comment please contact me at

I am not active on Pinterest or Facebook so do not leave a message there.
My Best to You

To Social Media Salespeople- using this contact page to promote their SEO:

  • "My page is not at the top of search" - I  do not care. 
  • "I am not maximizing my website conversions" - I will not manipulate a grieving person with code words.
  • "I am not realizing my monetary threshold", I do not care to profit from these rings. 

If a person is meant to find one wear one of my designs, then they will find their way here. And after they discover that these ring are more than jewelry, and how "It just feels right", they will tell other widows.